

Twitter, small tweet and long speech

In France, social network Twitter has difficulties to impose itself. However, this intelligent social network Twitter, equate concision with information. Small presentation to social network Twitter, this funny bird always a bit mocking… If Twitter use remains marginal in France, above all, if we compare it to the major influence of Facebook, however the website remains the biggest competitor of that last one. Force is nevertheless to note that uses are very different. On Twitter, no poke, no wall and no farm to manage: minigames, there are all the Internet and that seems well-sufficient. This social network has for nucleus microblogging, when the small blue bird expresses, it is in a short...  

Numerical identity, toward a responsible surfing

Numerical reputation and numerical identity are terms more and more approached with multiplication of social networks on Internet. Whereas internet users sow more and more information on the web, respect of private life matter becomes central. Until it gets back to each one to be vigilant. Small summary of secured surfing… Never the question of private life was implicated in a maelström of stakes so many colossal. Between private societies which do not attach great importance of personal data sowed on the web but do not hesitate to serve to commercial purposes. More and more numerous Internet users who like sharing their every day life, without, in the majority of cases, measure all the...