

Twitter, small tweet and long speech

Twitter, the blue bird a little mocking

In France, social network Twitter has difficulties to impose itself. However, this intelligent social network Twitter, equate concision with information. Small presentation to social network Twitter, this funny bird always a bit mocking…

Twitter, news in real time

If Twitter use remains marginal in France, above all, if we compare it to the major influence of Facebook, however the website remains the biggest competitor of that last one. Force is nevertheless to note that uses are very different. On Twitter, no poke, no wall and no farm to manage: minigames, there are all the Internet and that seems well-sufficient. This social network has for nucleus microblogging, when the small blue bird expresses, it is in a short manner, clear and direct, in the manner of status of instantaneous chat. « Twittos » only have at their disposal 140 characters to share their mood, their scoop or their falling in love. If « tweet » is judged interesting or pertinent, other users will choose to diffuse it at their turn. It is like that the manner how is propagated information and, from this viewpoint, Twitter efficiency lets speechless!

The website permitted to Internet users to relay very rapidly Haitians testimonies when the seism which occurs last January and to mobilize public even before that newspapers echoes the catastrophe. Those practices betting essentially on efficiency attract a public very different from Facebook. In fact, it is absolutely possible to use with assiduity Twitter without having recourse to its functions of social network. We can focus on the incredible potential of this line news in real time. Choosing to « follow » for example the Magazine lEuroMag whose address of Twitter account is @leuromag ( ) and a few other media carefully selected, we can be informed 24 hours on 24, where we are. Rest that social network Twitter can seem a bit austere. Succeeding to cause the interest of its « followers » in only 140 characters when we do not profit from first hand information come under pure and simple talent. Parodic twitter accounts multiply besides, very few of them succeed to hold durably attention.

To permit to everybody to divert more easily with his on line friends, the website has just proceed to a reshaping, which permits from now to view videos or images suggested in ling without opening a new page. Presentation becomes more ludic, but the heart, it, remains the same. If you wish to go in Twitter experience, a few tools will be able, however, to simplify life. So let's draw a small inventory which, if it does not pretend the entirety, however bets on convenience out-and-out.

Simplistic, the interface of the website Twitter?

Twitter interface of lEuromag magazine
Twitter interface of lEuromag magazine
For certain, the interface of the Internet site of Twitter losses a bit of fantasy and seems too often too much linear.
For more ergonomics, it exists software for PC, Mac, mobile phones as well as modules for your web browser. For beginners, web version of Seesmic results extremely easy to use. More experienced users will be able to upload Tweetdeck, Hootsuit or Seesmic Desktop. Each of them has its own qualities, so choice will be essentially a taste matter.

Twitter, the collaborative & participative social network

In company world, Twitter can result very useful to keep in touch with customers and providers. If you wish to develop this communication mode within your company, you will certainly need to be able to manage your account in collaboration with colleagues or to have access simultaneously to various profiles. In this case, Cotweet suits you. Free and competitive, it even permits you to program a publication hour for your messages. More information on the website:

A twitter, for the most talkative from yours!

If we appreciate Twitter universe, it occurs that we have difficulties to submit to constraints that they are inherent, in particular concerning messages length. If it is your case, two solutions are offered to you. The first consists in publishing your viewpoint somewhere else, for example on your blog, then pasting the link on Twitter. The second possibility is to appeal Twitlonger. Ideal if you have no personal space, this website will host your writings and will post the adequate link. More information on:

Twitter, reducing?!!

Twitter url shortener
Twitter url shortener
When each letter is counted, the simple fact to paste a link can result very complicated. Very fortunately, it exists «shorteners »of url. Presenting under the form of sites or modules to integrate to your web browser, they are very simple of use: it is enough to enter a web address to it suggest an abbreviated version to paste. Let’s note however that the majority of software customers of Twitter integrate this functionality. More information on those following websites: ( http://tiny.cch ) and ( ).

Twitter becomes imaged

An image is often worth than a long speech. If you wish to post a photograph by way of « tweet », no problem: it exists sites which are specialized in this optic. Twitpic, Plixi or even Yfrog – to only quote three- suggest you a service very complete: you send to it your photograph and the message to enclose, the website takes care of transforming all that in a tweet in due form .;;

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Written by Florence GUILLAUME, December 29th 2010.
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Themes approached and treated in this publication : internet, internet user, social network, tweet, tweeter

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