

Mangosteen, an anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory fruit

Mangosteen and its benefits: mangosteen, an anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory fruit

Magosteen is from Asia where it is used from centuries, mangosteen is a fruit with remarkable therapeutic properties. Those are xanthones, present in big quantity in mangosteen, which are at the origin of these numerous virtues. Anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-bacteria... xanthones are veritable presents of nature. Discover a tasty fruit excellent for heath: mangosteen!

What is mangosteen?

Mangosteen is a fruit, originate from Southeast Asia, of plum size and colour. Its peel is particularly hard and contains a white flesh, sweet and delicious, cut into quarters. Xanthones, the great secret of mangosteen, are anti-oxidant particularly powerful, the most powerful discover until now!

Certain shops sell fresh mangosteen but they are rare… It is above all under form of juice that we find this fruit. To benefit from its medicinal virtues, in particular it is the best manner to consume it because juice contains grinded peel of mangosteen, where to find precious xanthones. Bought fresh, mangosteen only offers its flesh to taste, its peel being particularly hard.

Mangosteen properties

Anti-oxidant properties
If free radicals can be useful in certain situations, it has to know that in big quantity, they are particularly noxious for this organism. Cancers, degenerative illnesses, cataracts, Parkinson illness, immune system weakening, muscular pains, chronic tiredness… are only a few examples of problem which can generate free radical under long term. Anti-oxidant can be made by organism but also been assimilated thanks to aliments which contain it, as leguminous, citrus fruits, walnuts etc. Mangosteen was compared with aliments particularly rich in anti-oxidant, such as durian, a tropical fruit. Results of this research reveal that mangosteen anti-oxidant action is seven times superior to this of durian.

Immune properties
Besides xanthones have antiviral, anti-parasitic, anti-fungal and anti-bacteria properties. So they help a lot immune system, constantly solicited. To only quote two examples, studies showed that xanthones could destroy mycobacterium tuberculosis (tuberculosis) and salmonella typhi (typhoid fever).

Anti-inflammatory properties
Everybody knows that anti-inflammatories can have secondary effects, in particular at digestive system and bloody coagulation level. Mangosteen, it, does not generate secondary effects. Explanation is simple: enzyme which causes inflammation is called COX-2. COX-1 enzyme, concerning it, is very beneficial for organism. A good number of anti-inflammatory medicaments unfortunately inhibits the two enzymes at the same time, hence secondary effects so dreaded. It is not the case for xanthones that we find in mangosteen, because those last only attack COX-2 enzyme.

Studies on mangosteen and its xanthones

We cannot speak about researches leaded on mangosteen without naming Doctor J. Frederic Templeman. Instigator of numerous studies on xanthones, this last one wrote a book, Mangosteen, the X-factor and affirms that mangosteen juice will become the alimentary supplement more popular. Useless to say that this famous researcher remains more than convinced of these fruit benefits.

Pierre Laroche, journalist and writer, is the author of Le mangoustan (Mangosteen) book, a health fruit with surprising effects. Through its work, we discover an information crowd about mangosteen, its history, its benefits… as well as testimonies. For these who speak English, Pubmed site constitutes a true gold mine concerning studies realized on xanthones.

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Written by Corinne Duré, December 27th 2010.
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Themes approached and treated in this publication : anti inflammatory, anti oxydant, fruit, immune, mangosteen, research