

Bit-lit, new fashionable literary genre

Vampires invade bookshops with bit-lit

Bit-lit is a new literary genre in France which seduces particularly women of all ages and principally teenagers. Bit-lit, what is it? To discover what is bit lit, direction book fair and Bragelonne stand – Milady to discover what it is hidden behind this Anglophone term "Bit-Lit" ...

Bit-lit: a genre propelled by Twilight film

Twilight film
Twilight film
On Bragelonne-Milady stand, at book fair, it is effervescence. A queue has formed all around the stand and go until stopping people to circulate freely. We cross lots of teenagers but also women ager and even sometimes a few boys. They are all in febrile waiting for Laurell K. Hamilton’s arrival. This name, maybe you do not know it, but for all who make the queue at book fair waiting a autograph of their favourite author, it is the author of Anita Blake's adventures, a sure value of bit-lit

But what is bit-lit? Bit-lit is a new literature genre which was born in France with certainly very known Twilight – and a little earlier in the 90s years in the United States- or even with television series such as Buffy against vampires. Laurell K. Hamilton fans have trend to criticize Twilight, reading it seems to them too dull because bit-lit today sumps up in three words: woman, violence, sex- without forgetting our vampires and lycanthropes friends “bit" means “bite” and “lit” is an abbreviation for "literature" in other words: biting literature.

And if Twiling seduces all age brackets, Anita Blake reserves a public more well-informed. Anita Blake is an independent woman and it work at her, it is to stand up again dead people. She kills vampires too, but that, it is rather a partial-time work. And as if it was not sufficient, it also has to help police in supernatural investigations. Well, it is a personage who is all the rage in France today. Published at Milady, the new label of Bragelonne editions, the series has already been at its eleventh tome published, far away from the eighteen tomes of the United States where the interest for Anita Blake’s adventures is even more important, with however yet various thousand faithful readers in France.

Bit-lit: an active community on the web!

bit-lit, new literary genre
bit-lit, new literary genre
Bit-lit community extends more and more and is very active on the movies. Websites, blogs, forums, bit-lit fans found place to express. is a forum where all ages meet and even men mark little by little their territory: in average 15% of forum actives who express themselves belong to male sex. This community characterize itself by it fidelity to a series and its curiosity to discover new adventures of bit-lit as well as an insatiable thirst at reading.

Milady hit the jackpot when it launches various bit-lit series: It is the unique edition centre which suggests so many titles in the genre and it counts well surf on the wave. Four new series will be born this summer with close publications, one tome a month, what permits to keep its readers on the alert.

Another major asset of bit-lit: the format. The majority of titles are published in paperback, not to say almost all and who says paperback, said small prices, in average 7 euro a tome. Within the economic crisis context which leads the reader to prefer the book in paperback rather than the big format with this vampiric fashion, bit-lit has beautiful days in front of it. While cinema claims to share it part of cake maybe ?

Bit-lit: a prolific genre

bit-lit, prolific literary genre
bit-lit, prolific literary genre
Other authors come to join to Laurell K. Hamilton, in particular Jeaniene Frost with its series Night hunters women, Kelley Armstrong with Women of other world or even Yasmine Galenorn with Sister of the moon. Fans have good reasons to feed at reading and if ever they are not satisfied, they may find their happiness somewhere else: vampires and werewolfs being at the agenda, other novels of the same genre putting them into scene flourish on the shelves of bookshops.

Youth is not at a loss with of course texts for wide andience who will not go to hit teenager’s sensibility: and we would not want that all young girls dreams of making her bitten by a vampire! These young ladies passion for impossible love stories between a vampire and a human woman – when there is no werewolf which mixes it. The taste of forbidden fruit, the perfect man but inaccessible, attract young girls - as well as their mother- who maybe dreams of the same love than the heroin at who she identifies herself.

Because – at last!- the main personage is a woman, fragile and strong at the same time – because it has to be a vampire to protect her-, ready to confront all the situations and who always find the mean to finish in the arms of a supernatural creature. A unique piece of advice: try

Reading selection in the same themes

Written by Corinne Duré, December 27th 2010.
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Themes approached and treated in this publication : bit lit, hero, literature, personage, reading, teenager, vampire, women